Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The year to come

Sorry everyone that I have not taken the time to write lately. it seems that I have had to much on my plate or that I am to lazy to write, you pick.
First I want to say hey to my cousin Meg for checking out my blog. She and are one in the same I think. Our lives seem to to the same paths in most areas. So hey girl and I love ya.
Now on to the Year to Come. I hope and PRAY this year goes well for all. I do not think we are starting out right by people wanting to take out "So Help Me GOD" when the new president swears in. I mean what in the world is this about. The next thing they will want is to take out "Holly" from the Holly Bible, or maybe take the word "GOD" out of the bible. I think they need so much help that "So HELP ME GOD" is what they need. maybe we can get the words changed to "SO HELP THEM GOD, PLEASE THEY NEED ALL THEY CAN GET, ONLY YOU CAN FIX STUPID." Now let's hear the president swear that in.
For me and my year I plan to spend more time with the family. Trying to be more of a dad to my kids instead of a discipliner. I want to raise my kids and not raise my voice. I want to love my wife in more ways then just saying it. Help more around the house, with the kids, listen to her when she has something to say, hug her when she needs it, and hold her hand without her asking me to. No I am not whopped and no I am not in trouble and trying to get out of it. All these things are from the heart and is what I really want to do.
I hope you have made so high goals for yourselves as well. Lord knows we need to hold ourselves responsible and not someone else.
Well I need to go and spend sometime witht the family.
Oh here is an extra large cup of coffee to Jackie, John, and Scott for the fun I am having playing basketball at 5am. Thanks for the entertainment.


churchguy said...

Ha ha. Thanks...So, I'm wondering, do you spell check before you publish? Ha ha. Just Kidding. Michael is back in town for awhile. You and him should get together. Check out our weight loss blog, . I've lost 2 lbs. in the last week. WooHoo. Love ya cuz!

outdoors and me said...

A good dad is one who disciplines his kids . I think that is the problem with a lot of kids now days . WE are trying to hard to be their friends and not their parents . If we do not teach them right from wrong and show them we are serious about the rules who will and what will they learn . The hand was not made just for eating and drinking .Keep up the good work your a great guy . No need to change anything . If someone tells you to change they are WRONG ! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING .