Thursday, June 25, 2009

One week down

Well it has been one since since I have arrived here. It was a pretty long week trying to learn how things operate here. All the training I have had did prepare me for some of my task but not all of it. I am busy throughout most of the day. There are a few moments of down time but not so much. I feel as busy here as I did back home.

The Internet has been down for the last few days and it has been hard not seeing the family. I did bye a cell phone so that Shelli and we have a way to communicate so that is good for us. BUT NOT seeing the kids is hard. I enjoy watching them as well as her on the web cam. It is good to be able to see the smiling face of the family.

I think I am settled in for the long haul of the next 3 and a half months. This is a pretty small base but there are plenty of things to do and keep me busy during down time, which is one day a week. The rest of the week I am working 7am-7pm. Wow what a shift.

I am the Lodging Supervisor and that is all I can say due to Security Operations will not allow me to discuss mission sensitive information. Sorry about that.

I have met alot of nice people from all different areas of the world. The networking with others here is interesting, finding out who they are, where they are from, how they got here, it is a neat experience.

Well that is all I have for now I will write more as the days continue to count down until I am home. See you all later, PLEASE pray for our troops they need all they can get.

P.S. I Love and Miss You Shelli, Mason, and Savannah - Me

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Made it

Well I finally found a way to write. Sorry to keep all waiting.
I finally made it here on June 17 after two days in Germany. The plane was hit by lighting on the decent into an Air Base, Germany. Found out that the nose had a hole in it. So they had to replace it. But that was ok we got to see a little bit of the country. We went to a town called Trier, the oldest town in Germany. Lots of history dating back as far as 300AD. Loved the area.
Here at my new home is not bad. The sleeping quarters are ok. I can not complain due to the places some of the others are sleeping. The food is not Shelli's, but it will do for the next four months. I would really like to have a home cooked meal prepared by my precious wife that I love so much. Honey I cant wait to get home and have some real cooking.
I have an opportunity to meet some really great Soldiers. I cap the word "Soldiers" because the ones I have met deserve it. Please pray for them daily. I know back home it seems sometimes that that phrase is over used (Pray for our Soldiers). After being here for just a few days that phrase meets you with a brick wall. So please everyday PRAY for them and their loved ones. THEY NEED THEM.
After leaving Baltimore on the 15 of Jun and landing here on the 17 of Jun was a long and interesting ride. Some of the views I saw were amazing. The sky would be early dark (evening) on take off and daylight in the matter of just a couple of hours (3). That was strange. And then the mountain view outside my dorm everyday is just breath taking.
I will close for now. Everyone please take care and I will continue soon.
God Bless and PLEASE pray for our troops.
P.S. Shelli "I LOVE AND MISS YOU" - Me

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Made it to Baltimore

Well it is 2am and of course I can't sleep so I decided to write. Day one is down. It was hard leaving the airport this morning. Mason was hard to let go of along with Shelli and Savannah. Though it had to be done it was still hard.
I made it to Baltimore around 3pm. Got in the hotel around 4pm and have hung out here since. I talked to the kids a lot today. Web camed the family about twice to ten times or so. It was good to see them. The best thing we did was get the lap top for communication. Wow what a change from the past when we had a pay phone and calling cards every three days.
Well this typing has about wore me out so I will sign off for now.
To Shelli, Mason, and Savannah "I love and miss you".

Monday, June 8, 2009

Good start towards the journey

Well last week and this week has been a good start toward the journey. I have had the last two weeks off to spend time with the family and it has been awesome. The kids and I hung out Mon-Wed. We went to the nature center, Savannah and I had a date night, Mason and played golf, we went to see the NEW HANNAH MONTANA movie. I was impressed, it was a good movie. Yes Jackie, I cried like a little girl.
Shelli's last day was Wed so Thurs we went to Rogers and did Build-A-Bear. Mason did a military camo Panda and Savannah did a Bear in dress blues "Air Force". I did a voice recorder message that goes in the tummy and each time they press a button they can hear my voice talk to them. It is pretty neat. Something for them to hold on to till I get home. Then we met my cousin Meghan for lunch at MAD PIZZA in Rogers. That place is awesome. It is across from the Wal-Mart next to the interstate in Rogers. Try it out you, won't be disappointed. When you get there tell Mark I sent you.
I had drill Fri and Sat but Sunday we went to church, had a fellowship lunch after an awesome Sunday School class that John C. taught. Thanks to all of those that showed up.
I would like to thank my wife for putting together the fellowship for me and everything else she has done and is going to do. Babe you are the GREATEST I live you with all my heart. Thanks for putting up with me all these years and many more to come. God did a great match when he lead me to you.