Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas

I would like to start by wishing all a very Merry CHRISTmas. Notice that CHRIST is all caps. Why? Because he is the reason for the time of year and to many people has forgotten that. Anyway I hope all has a wonderful one.
As I was looking through the mail today I came across a CHIRSTmas card from a dear and close family member of mine. He is my cousin Shawn Barnard, which pastors Inglewood Baptist Church in Dallas. I suggest you take a look at it when you have time. I found out that he also has a blog the address is I tend to follow his writing and I suggest that you do the same. Knowing him he should have some great teachings in his words from scripture to life lessons. So drop by and read some of his stuff. The only thing you have to lose is knowledge and believe me you could learn a lot from him. So I want to pour him an extra large cup of coffee and welcome him to my site as i will put his like on here for all to enjoy.
I would also like to shout out to his wonderful family Jen, Kristen, Kev, and Kam. Love you guys and hope to see you all soon.
Merry CHRISTmas everyone. May God fill not only today but the rest of your life with joy and happiness.
And remember seek Him and you will find Him, be still and listen and you will hear Him, ask Him in prayer and He will deliver, and dive it His word and you will KNOW Him besides that is the least he asks of us isn't it!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Philip said...

Merry Christmas Baldwins!