Well we have completed week one of the P90X. The information I have gathered is the "P" stands for "PERFECT". That is a bunch of bull. The "P" should stand for "PAIN", and the "X" is truly "EXTREME".
Actually I am loving this program. I feel better throughout the day like I have more energy. I think sometimes I can conquer the world. Short trip.
Mike says his back is getting better. Awesome he is on his way back. Nelson did better this morning, he didn't nearly pass out. Good job Nelson. Proud of Jackie and Scott for hanging out during the Arms and Chest routine we did this morning. Great job guys.
All I have to say is that if you say you want to start getting in shape, but don't do anything about it I think you are a wimp!! For the past 2 years 3 or 4 of us has been getting up at 4:40am and walking, jogging, or playing Bball from 5am-6am. I have never felt as good as I do now because of P90X.
Well I am going to go and Ice My ACHING Body. I wish I could get a hot tub for days like this. It maybe pain, sweet, and tears we are going through but so far it is well worth it.
So suck it up and come join us at 5am at the ROC for some good ol' fat burning-grease releasing-pain retching FUN with the P90X. FREE.
By the way Invite someone to Church. Do the dishes and some laundry for or with your wive. And tell her and your kids YOU LOVE THEM. They need to hear that from you.
Chuck Norris is so tuff he can make P90X hurt.
1 comment:
Jeb...you with more energy? That is a scary thought right there!
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