Sunday, November 16, 2008

Forever Mine

Forever mine. Would it not be awesome that when someone says Forever Mine that's what it is. Reason I am saying this is because if there is one thing I would say Forever Mine to it would be my beautiful wife Shelli. I know I have not said much about here since I began this blog. Now is the time. This Tuesday we will be married 13 years. Say it with me "13 Y-E-A-R-S". Not many this day and age can say a number that high and relate it to marriage. But I CAN. Now I am not saying that the last 13 yrs have been a walk in the park. Our marriage as others has hit highs and lows but our highs out number our lows and a few of our highs was a result of our lows. But one thing I can say is that when God created her He did it for me. Without her I would be nothing. I know the bible says "Without Him I am nothing", but without Him creating her I would be nothing.

I know as some of you know me that I am not always the easiest person to be around, well try living with me sometimes. I thank God everyday for her and what she has brought into this relationship. She has brought life, enjoyment, sometimes tears, sometimes anger, but she always has had and always will have the best thing for me "Her Love". Without her love for me to include patients she would have probably been gone years ago.

Shelli is a special person to me as well as to others. She is a Speech Pathologist and works with severely disabled children and has a heart for them. She is a great SLP, I enjoy hearing her talk about the one she got to say a word or found a way for the child to communicate with her. many kids go through life with people who really do not care if the child advances or not. Not her, she wants each child she does therapy with to advance and she gives all her heart to each child she has to make that happen. I know I could not do her job, but then again I don't think anyone can do her job as well as she does.

She is a Great Mom to our kids. She makes sure they are always dressed, feed, medicated when need to be, homework is done, and I could go on and on. She has love for our two that only a Great Mom can have. Besides her dealing with everyday life issues at work, then there is me, our kids NEVER seem to go without. I hope someday they will understand the sacrifices she gave for them and appreciate her as much as I do. Don't get me wrong the kids wear on her as any other kids do to their parents, but she is always on top of things especially when I do not have a clue what is going on.

I want to close by praising her for who she is, what she does, and I look forward to another 13+ years with her.

"Honey I want to thank you for who you are! You are loving, kind hearted, PATIENT, warm, tinder, I guess I could go on and on but I think you get the idea. Thanks for putting up with me all these years. Having the ability to see my full potential even when I don't. Thanks for believing in me. Thanks for helping me with issues I can not figure out. Thanks for helping me see easier ways of completing things I don't think I can complete. Most of all THANKS FOR LOVING ME DAY AFTER DAY THE WAY YOU DO! I am looking forward to many more years with you by my side. I love you with all my heart!!! You will always be Forever Mine."


Philip said...
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Philip said...

Congratulations on the 13 years...make 13 a lucky number!